With the venue change making the High Roller a bit of a trek, we want to make sure
we absolutely flood vegas with our message, so this year we chose ducks. Ducks fly together; and thats
exactly what we're going to do on Saturday the 10th on the High Roller. No friends left behind.
This year, to really get the word out, we're making 3,000 duck SAOs, thanks to our generous sponsor
Ironwood Cyber, but just like last year, we want even more...
This is where you come in! Below you will find links to the gerber files so you can make your own HighRollerCon
SAOs and pass them out with us! But just like last year, there are some rules...
- Your SAOs must be given away to defcon attendees for free. No price, no trades, no nothing; just free.
- Your SAOs must be completed and working. This is to say they need all components installed, and must work.
As long as you follow these two rules, you're free to add your own flair and do whatever you wish! This year we used
only through-hole components to allow more flexibility, so while we used red LEDs, 1k resistors, and a rainbow cycling
LED in the back, you can choose your own colors! Want to open up those gerbers and give the duck some sunglasses? Great!
Want to give him an MCU and some neopixels? Excellent!
Have any questions or concerns? Reach out to me on twitter!
Now on to the good stuff...